7 Reasons why you NEED to go to the snow these school holidays!
- Ski School is the best way to say ‘have fun, cya later’ without feeling bad about it…I’m a ski instructor and have taught at Aussie resorts and kids love the day on the snow with other kids – even those ones that seem reluctant at the start, don’t worry, it’s our job to make them happy and all we want is everyone to be able to share our passion for skiing and snowboarding. Hey! I started skiing at 18 months. Look how cute I was…………
- The easiest way to blackmail your kids into good behaviour is with a mini holiday… Kids nagging you everyday? They’re bored at home, you’re too busy to be driving them places all day, everyday and the end result is you pulling out your hair whilst your children literally pull out each others hair? Try this… “Hey kids, we’ll go to the snow in three weeks but only if you’re good” and then continue to pull that one on them for the following three weeks anytime you want. Genius
- Mountain staff actually love their jobs… Sick of routine and Boring Barb sitting on the desk next to you and Arrogant Andy on the other side? Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city life and be surrounded with people who actually want to be at work and actually want you to have a good day. You can totally use school holidays as the cover story for your snow trip. No this isn’t me lying through my teeth in an attempt to get you on our SnowBus day trip to Mt Buller (although if you are interested it is a pretty awesome way to get up the hill – there is info on our facebook page), but I have worked both these jobs and they’re the best jobs ever, if you don’t include Oz Extreme sales assistant of course.
- Meet other kids….You’ll be surprised at how quickly kids get along with one another in lessons, I was trying to sneak into ski school until I was 16, not because I wanted to learn more but because I wanted to hang out with other kids and not have to ski with my parents and endure extended coffee breaks, which I now know were actually undercover midday piss ups.
- If the passion sticks, you definitely won’t have a 32 year old kid still living at home… If your kid hits the jackpot and finds the sport they love and get hooked on, you will never have to worry about kicking them out of home because as soon as they hit 18 they’ll be off to Canada or Japan chasing the Northern Hemisphere winter, working minimum wage but riding as much as they can all whilst teaching them the invaluable lesson of the value of money. This may be followed by an Aussie season then back to Canada and so on and so on until they decide it’s time to do adult stuff. Either way they’ll have the best time and meet friends for life and have so many different life experiences under their belt to prepare them for the future.
- Getting Active… Get them off the Xbox, Playstation, PC whatever piece of tech they bury their heads in for hours and hours a day and get them outside doing stuff, like real physical stuff (don’t call it exercise, you’ll ruin it).
- Bragging rights when they get back to school…Who doesn’t love having the best holiday story from the school break or the most badass photos for show and tell?
The forecast is good and the snow report is pointing to a bit more snowfall so get in now before it’s too late! Whether is Mt Hotham, Falls Creek or Mt Buller for a week or just the day it is a trip your kids will remember. Drop in and have a chat at the Oz Extreme Geelong store or check out our facebook page if you’re keen on a good time this school holidays!
Lots of love your resident sales assistant at Oz Extreme, AKA the thumb in the corner of this photo. Peace!